Over the years, my consultancy and I have been recognized with prestigious awards and honors.
Spanning from undergraduate study through executive roles in different countries and onto governance positions and higher degree research, these accolades recognize diverse achievements in leadership, scholarly pursuit, marketing, and organizational impact.

Governance & Leadership Awards
Harvard Social Enterprise Scholarship
Sport Australia Women Leaders Grant
Australian Institute of Company Directors Corporate Governance Scholarship
Academic Awards & Honors
Dean's Honour List, University of Chicago
Fulbright Grant
NZ Institute of Management Prize, Top business student
Business Achievement Awards
Johnson & Johnson
The NutraSweet Company
Marketing Awards
PRIA Golden Target Award (IQ2 Series)
AMI Marketing Excellence Award
Financial Review Sponsorship Award (Kellogg's Kids Help Line)
Advertising Awards
Cannes Advertising Award, Bronze Lion, Kellogg's Nutri-Grain
Australian TV Award, Highly Commended, Kellogg's Nutri-Grain
Best Food Advertising Award, Kellogg's Nutri-Grain
Best Yogurt Award, largest Swedish food magazine
Golden Egg Award nomination, Sweden