I am honoured to have received a variety of encouraging feedback from fellow board members, event participants, and consulting clients as testimony of the impact of my work.
These comments range from stakeholder understanding, to strategic orientation, through translation of the brief, to generation of ideas and engaging with audiences, and onto organization impact.

The experience working with you Sarah has been very positive ... [You have] accomplished an impressive headway on the three projects since our first meeting ... We look forward to working with you in the new year.
CEO, mining industry manufacturer
Just wanted to thank you once again for your wonderful, enlightening presentation. It was greatly appreciated by all of us.
Teacher, secondary school (workplace presentation to 50 Year 12 students)
We are happy with the approach thus far, and if you continue in the same professional manner I am sure everyone will be swept up in the process ... Our plan is to press on to see this project through to success, we have new business development planned for next year and would like you to assist us in the design and implementation of the business units.
Chief Operating Officer, third generation family business
It was great to speak with all – you clearly gathered a talented team ... diversity of views/walks of life/careers ... one of my favourite parts of our alumni community.
Alumni Engagement Manager, university
A note to say thank you for all your efforts. I know that you put a lot of your own time into helping us pull the tender together. We are all very happy with the end product.
Commercial Manager, state government entity
The ideas you put forward were impressive and I agree with you in respect to marketing ourselves as professionally as possible. The importance of branding and image has been driven home by your information sessions.
Director, multi-store hospitality & tourism sector retail operation
A big thank you for inviting me to participate ... a great trigger for some good personal thoughts, as well as meeting some marvellous people.
Panellist, higher education seminar
Sarah, over the years we have looked at franchises, distributors, and branches and all have met with varying degrees of success ... vital to us is to survive the transition. We talked extensively after your presentation and the fact that sales management is an issue for debate is a great milestone to have reached.
Senior Executive, multi-site international manufacturing operator