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My background includes a range of conference and media activities. Please get in touch to engage these services. My particular interests are governance, innovation, and social impact.

From my recent PhD studies, extensive consulting work, leadership practice in nonprofits and multinationals in diverse environments, and early drama and debating experience, I am comfortable talking with a variety of audiences from academics to industry leaders to young people.

  • Decoding Nonprofit “Innovation for Growth” and Fostering its Effective Governance: Highlights from a Multimethod Study, Social Entrepreneurship Summit, Sofia Bulgaria (Presenter)

  • Nonprofit Prosperity via Innovation: The Role of Boards, Alliances, and Regulatory Mechanisms in Australia, Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International (ANZRSAI) & Regional Studies Association (RSA) international conference, Melbourne Australia (Presenter & Panel Chair)

  • Nonprofit Innovation For Growth: Multimethod Evidence of its Nature and Effective Governance, International Conference on Business, Management, & Economics (ICBME), Oxford England (Presenter)

  • Nonprofit Boards in Pursuit of Innovation for Growth: Views From the Frontline, Society of Corporate Law Academics (SCoLA) national conference, Melbourne Australia (Presenter)

  • Careers & the Future of Work, Victoria University of Wellington alumni event, Sydney Australia (Panellist)

  • Innovate or Die, Victoria University of Wellington alumni event, Sydney Australia (Panel Organizer)

  • Ethics Centre & Chartered Accountants Student Challenge, Sydney Australia (Competition Manager, Content Creator)​

  • The Workplace & What to Expect, Mercy College year 12 student symposium, Perth Australia (Presenter)

  • The Kellogg’s & Kids Help Line Experience: Lessons Learnt from the Largest Cause Related Marketing Account in Australia, Informa Group national conference, Sydney Australia (Presenter)

Community service

In addition to my nonprofit governance roles, I do my bit for the community.

  • Ethics Centre membership 2011-15

  • Rotary/Princess Margaret Hospital Big Quiz consulting services donation 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006

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