Operating at the intersection of business and society, as a social-innovation researcher and nonprofit board chair, I help organizations and their stakeholders innovate to create impact.
My recent PhD explored the emerging construct of "innovation for growth" in nonprofits. Stay tuned for my next post-PhD project which expands on and extends these themes!

The nonprofit innovation project
The critical nonprofit sector faces unique innovation hurdles. Integrating a global systematic-literature review and predominantly Australian interview- and survey-director research, this project identifies and unlocks the new construct of “innovation for growth” in nonprofits, defined as “innovation activities undertaken in the pursuit of revenue growth”. It advances innovation and governance scholarship by revealing nonprofit innovation’s sector specificity, conceptualizing multifactorial associations, and using uncommon research methodologies and rare director-/Australian-sample data. It also offers practical guidance to nonprofit boards and policymakers on enhancing nonprofit-innovation governance, so helping safeguard organizational and sectoral viability and generating flow-on benefits for stakeholders and society at large.
The findings of this project were presented at four national and international pracademic conferences and one American university seminar to second-year public-policy PhD students . They were also shared in four coauthored global journal articles (three published, one under review).