My diverse scholarly and executive background gives me a unique insight into the effective translation of research to industry.
In my teaching and research, I draw from a varied academic, board and executive career in four countries across three continents. This background is underpinned by postgraduate qualifications in governance and business, undergraduate degrees in literary studies and accountancy, and a teaching diploma in drama.

Teaching experience
Guest Lecturer, The University of Texas at Austin, United States
Guest Lecturer, UC Berkeley, United States
Head Judge, Australian Marketing Institute, Australia
ACT Government Board Traineeship Mentor, Australia
Mentor, UChicago, United States
NutraSweet Sponsor and Advisor of the UChicago New Product Lab, United States
Debating Coach, Marsden High School, New Zealand
Research experience
Honorary Industry Fellow, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Three scholarly papers published and one under submission, all undertaken during my PhD studies
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Nonprofit Innovation
Member of the Alliance for Social Impact and of the Trust, Ethics, and Governance Alliance at The University of Queensland, Australia
Board Representative at sector conferences (conference write ups and board presentations), Australia
Management Consultant, Sarah Richardson Consulting Pty Ltd, Australia
Commissioning of consumer research, United States, France, Australia
Government Researcher (Health, Transport, Education x2 summer internships), New Zealand